Thank you for submitting your information! We will be in touch about podcast recording dates/times!
In the meantime, here are a few questions that we have asked or may ask you on the podcast. Take some time to consider them if you would like:
-What is a common misconception about you or your job and how would you set the record straight?
-What do you enjoy about your life?
-What are some of your morning habits?
-What are some questions you wish people would ask about you?
-What are some things that people don't know about you?
-What just really ticks you off?
-Who are 3 people you would call or meet in person if you really needed to talk?
-What is the hardest thing you have ever gone through? What did you learn from it?
-Do you feel fulfilled?
-Looking back 5 years ago at a belief you had then coming back to present day, is your belief the same? Stronger/not as much?
-What do you think you will regret in the next 5 years if you do not do it?
-If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
-If you were sitting in my chair interviewing yourself, what are some questions you would ask?
-When was the last time you challenged yourself to do something you have never done before, what was the outcome?
-What were some of your setbacks and how did you overcome them?
-What scene from a movie or book best represents your current season of life?
-If you could go back and change any outcome, what would it be?
-What are you most proud of?
-What is your path forward?
-How do you want to be remembered?